Welcome to the Aviantex Travel Photography Blog, an online showroom for travel photos! Here you will find tips about destinations I have visited and a guide for taking better travel photos.

My name is Alexander Stenson and I am the photographer behind the camera and the founder of the Aviantex brand, established in 2008. I work as airliner pilot flying the Airbus A320 for Scandinavian Airlines on the shorthaul network. Travelling a lot in the work doesn't stop me for travelling when off duty. In fact my best travel companions are my wife and daughter. Together we always looking for a new adventure and having a child doesn't mean you have to stop travelling. You just have to choose your destinations more carefully, our one year old daughter is quite traveled already and been as far as Australia.

My passion for photography began many years ago with specialization in aviation photography. I guess aviation will always remain my main specialization but I have broadened and developed my photography to cover most areas. It really doesn't matter what the motive is, as long as the light and angles are the right ones! I guess it's the hunt that triggers me, even though it means standing outside in freezing cold temperatures or extreme hot weather conditions. It's all worth the effort when you see the result!

As of today I have got my photos published in several types of media, ranging all the way from magazines and books to newspapers. My customers include different categories from airports and airlines to enterprises in all different areas as well as private persons.

The photos published on this website only represents a fraction of my entire photo collection. If you are searching for something specific, just let me know and I will try to fulfil your wishes. I do all kind of photo assignments on request as well.

If you have any questions or requests for my work feel free to contact me.
+46 73 046 72 85
Aviantex Photography