Travel photography guide now online ( 30/08/2017 )

I have been photographing for almost my entire life in varying degree of professionalism of course. For me the photography and traveling is more than just an interest, it's more like a lifestyle which is always on my mind. I am totally self learned and my experience and knowledge is gathered through many years of trial and erroring. Reviewing thousands of photos of other photographers is of course also a great source of inspiration and the key to development. Earlier my photography was mostly aviation related material which over time has developed to cover all areas within the travel photography genre. By now I have been visiting nearly 70 countries worldwide and I do have the camera ready all the time to catch the magic moment.

I wrote this photo guide to give you some hints and other insights how to take better travel photos. My knowledge and experience can hopefully help you avoid some of the mistakes I have done, which in the same time will lead to a faster progress curve. The guide will continuously be updated and I hope you will find it useful. Remember that photography is a never ending development and you will never be fully-trained!

Enjoy and happy shooting!
