Tripadvisor's Top 25 Destinations ( 30/03/2016 )

Tripadvisor has just announced the 2015 Travelers Choice Top 25 destinations in the world! It's a truly impressive list with a great selection of destinations to visit next, the problem is probably which one to choose!

The first place was taken by London, United Kingdom followed by Istanbul, Turkey. These two top positions have already a gallery here at Aviantex website where you can get inspiration for your next visit. The third position Marrakech, Morocco is still on the bucket list and hopefully will be visited in the very near future.

There is actually quite many of the top destinations from the Traveler Choice list which already got a gallery here at the Aviantex website and if not some of them are on the way to get uploaded or otherwise hopefully will be visited soon!

For the full list of the Top 25 Destinations just click the image below.
